Child Behavior Checklist

Improve your child’s behavior, starting today.

ChildBe is a one-of-a-kind online child behavior management system for families with kids ages 5 to 18. It can improve your child’s or teen’s behavior by facilitating a consistent connection between behaviors and outcomes (consequences) and promoting open, flexible communication within your family.

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Child Behavior Chart

Behavior Tracker

Record a behavior, and pre-determined outcomes automatically apply. You don't have to figure out anything on the fly. No negotiating. No bickering.

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Child Behavior Management

Passport Stamps

Reinforce your child's Green Light behaviors by stamping their passport! Stamps can be redeemed for awards that you've set up together.

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Parenting Support


Parents and other caregivers receive valuable tips and psychoeducation in their inbox on a regular basis to support their parenting.

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What Our Members Say

"This system really does help and has had an extremely positive effect on our parental communication and, more importantly, disciplinary consistency. Our six-year-old has had a noticeable uptick in focus and understanding of boundaries and rewards, because they don't fluctuate with each parent's mood from minute to minute anymore."

The Boone Family
Start Your Free Trial

Get 90 days of ChildBe for free! We know this is a tough time for many families. More than ever, ChildBe can help. For a limited time, our 30-day free trial has been extended to 90 days.

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